Enrichment of CNG in Gasoline Blends- A Technical Review
Author : Ritesh Kumar Ranjan
College Name :L. D. College of Engineering
Abstract— Pollution from the petroleum oil increases day by
day in terms of CO2, CO, NOX, PM and many other gases
and particles. Price difference and economy leads people
toward the use of alternative fuels. To overcome this
problem Tri-fuel is the best suitable fuel for the IC engine
because of its clean emission characteristics. The present
study focused on non-petroleum renewable and nonpolluting
fuels to be used for I.C engines. The tri-fuel is
assortment of petrol, butanol blend and CNG gas. It is found
that power produced by the Tri-fuelled engine is more and
lower NOx emissions compare to Gasoline engine because
of the high volumetric efficiency, high compression ratio.
Keywords: CNG Gas, I.C Engines, Gasoline Blend
The use of fossil fuel is increasing drastically due to its
consumption in all consumer activities. The high utility of
fossil fuel depleted its existence, degraded the environment
and led to reduction in underground carbon resources.
Hence the search for alternative fuels is paying attention for
making, sustainable development, energy conservation,
efficiency and environmental preservation, has become
highly pronounced now a days. The worldwide reduction of
underground carbon resources can be substituted by the biofuels.
The SI and CI engines are the major contributors of
the GHG. The main researchers around the world are
finding the alternate fuel that should have the least impact
on the environmental degradation. Rudolf Diesel patented
an engine design for used dual fuel system. The present fuel
system involves the adaptation of Rudolf with diesel as a
single fuel. The emission of NOX is unavoidable in fuel
combustion systems. An attempt has been made to develop a
tri fuel system without additives in conventional C.I engines
to achieve biofuel and to reduce emission of Pollutants.
D.Kumaran, M.Rajendran, P.A.Jeeva, S.Karthikeyan[1]
studied on non-petroleum renewable and non-polluting
fuels to be used for I.C engines. The tri-fuel is assortment of
diesel, turpentine blend and acetylene gas. The acetylene gas
is produced from the lime stone (CaCO3) and the turpentine
oil obtained from the pine tree. The performance of a tri-fuel
has been analyzed experimentally in a single cylinder direct
injection and compression ignition engine with diesel and
turpentine blend as primary fuel and acetylene inducted as
secondary gaseous fuel i.e., diesel and the turpentine blend
(40% turpentine(40T) and 60% diesel) . The results showed
that the blend and the acetylene gas flow rate of 3 liters per
minute (through a gas flow meter) offered higher brake
thermal efficiency between 1% and 3% than that of diesel
baseline operation. Tri-fuel concept(acetylene aspiration in
let manifold up to 3 lpm and mixing of turpentine with
diesel fuel up to 40%) for brake thermal efficiency increased
by 1-3 % from the standard fuel. It exhibited lower exhaust
gas temperature compared with diesel operation. An
appreciable reduction in HC,CO and cylinder pressure and
rate of pressure raise, when gas is inducted.CO2 emissions
was observed in Tri fuel concept with increased engine
performance without much worsening its emission.
Suraj Bhan Singh, Atul Dhar, Avinash Kumar Agarwal[2]
considered butanol as the most promising alternative fuel
candidate because of its favorable chemical and physical
properties, which are quite similar to gasoline. Butanol is
completely miscible with gasoline in any proportion and
forms a stable blend.....